Saturday, July 13, 2013

July 11, 2013: God Answers the Simplest Prayers

Kamusta Kamo!!!
I love you all so much. Thank you for all the great letters. they mean the world to me!!! Keep um coming :)

I am happy that mom and dad have made it to the MTC. I got to see them the first day they got here. I had been showing my district pictures for a few days making sure they would look out for them. they found them before dinner while i was in the bathroom and ran in to tell me I HAD to come right then to see them! So i ran out and gave them a big hug. It was so so so good to see mom and dad..don't worry they were of course crying. and we got to eat dinner a few times. it was so great to see him.

So this week has seriously passed so quickly. It felt like the week had been 2 days. It's all going well.

I have been studying the Book of Mormon a lot this week , big surprise right? but I just love it. what incredible examples and what great comfort and strength we can find in those pages. I am amazed at the faith the prophets had to write the Book of Mormon knowing that it would not be needed until our day. Can you imagine being commanded to write a journal for people 2000 years later?? They had such great faith in God and knew that through Him the miracle of the Book of Mormon would be brought forth. I feel so grateful to be able to share that miracle and blessing with others. When we are trying, we can feel God's love as we read of Him and search His pages.

I also loved reading in Alma about faith. Great stuff. In the devotional this week they talked about prayer.  I am just amazed at how interested and involved God is in our lives. He will answer even the simplest prayers and help us with the smallest problems. I was having a hard day yesterday and feeling lonely and all the sudden the girls in the other room all came in and we ate candy and told stories. it was super simple but i know that God truly is involved in our lives. That is just one example of a MILLION things that have happened since i've been here.

I love you all SO SO SO much. Thank you for praying for me. For supporting me. and for writing to me. I cherish your letters. I leave for the Philippines in just 18 days... so crazy. so scary. so overwhelming. haha I can't imagine speaking in Ilonggo ALL day long.

Oh, the good news though is even though it's hard to learn and I feel like I'm not progressing I really do know a lot of ilonggo. It's really cool there will be words that I try so so so hard to remember or pronounce and i just can't do it. but then like 2 days later I can say them without even thinking about it. The words i struggled with so much in the beginning just seem simple now. What a blessing. Keep praying for me.

I love you all!!! Palangga ta kamo!! 


Sister Kimberly Foote

Sister Kimberly Foote

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