Saturday, September 7, 2013

August 5: They Understand the Blessings that come from the Gospel

Kamusta Pamilya ko.

I have been so blessed this week. I have been happier than I expected to be. So, I traveled forever but was able to sleep some so that was good and I was with my district which was great. I sat next to a Filipino on the way and she said she told me about the Philippines. I gave her a pass along card and she seemed fairly interested. 

Then we had training but you already saw pictures of that. Then i met my trainer Sister Rosdahl. She is from America and is so nice. Se has only been here for 3 months so it's kinda crazy, but she understand almost everything and speaks pretty well. I understand when she talks. and some things others say. but not tons, especially when they really start going off.. telling a story or something. It's pure gibberish. 

I am convinced the 3 year olds know more Ilonggo than i do. And they do. It's so funny to hear toddlers talk because I can't tell if they are babbling or speaking Ilonggo. It's all the same to me. 

I'm in a 'wealthier' area. It still is poorer than anything I've ever seen, but most the people are fairly educated so they speak some English. Church was hilarious. They switch back and forth between English and Ilonggo every few words, then 3 minutes of straight Ilonggo and then straight English, and it's just random words. I can't figure out how they decide which language to speak. 

the kids are SO cute! I love them . They are hilarious. I am the only american I've seen besides my companion so people always stare. When we start speaking Ilonggo, their jaw drops. It's awesome. 

I have had some good food so far. Banana q... bbq banana with brown sugar around it. SO good. The bananas and mangoes really are SO GOOD. 

The hard part of this week is we are the first sisters in our area in 5 years so we were white washed. We have no idea where we are going or who to teach or anything. But the members have been so helpful. They will go with us for 5 hours at a time. They're awesome and so excited about missionary work, and so excited to have sisters! They all bore their testimonies about missionary work. Everyone. And i bore my testimony.. mostly Ilonggo.(Bishop asked us to). they sacrifice a lot to come to church and they all dress in their best. They understand the blessings that come from the gospel. One of the sisters said in church "money is not a measure of how blessed we are." 
We had one investigator and one less active come to church. Awesome. 

In the handbook it says "You represent the Lord in this area". I am trying hard to do that and show love. I want people to notice I'm different not just because I'm american but because I am emulating Christ. 

I love you!!!

ill explain more about the country next week. Keep praying for me. I think this week will be hard. 

Sister Foote 

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